17. Locators in Selenium

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Locators in Selenium are mechanisms used to identify and interact with web elements on a page. They are the foundation of web automation, enabling Selenium WebDriver to locate and manipulate elements like buttons, text fields, and links. Choosing the right locator ensures reliability and efficiency in test automation.

Types of Locators in Selenium

By.idLocates an element using its unique id attribute.
By.nameLocates an element using its name attribute.
By.classNameLocates an element using its class attribute. Useful for identifying elements with specific CSS classes.
By.tagNameLocates an element using its HTML tag name (e.g., div, input).
By.linkTextLocates a hyperlink (<a> tag) using its exact visible text.
By.partialLinkTextLocates a hyperlink using a partial match of its visible text.
By.xpathLocates an element using XPath expressions, suitable for complex DOM structures.
By.cssSelectorLocates an element using CSS selectors. Efficient and flexible for locating elements.
By.chainedLocates an element by chaining multiple locators. Ideal for hierarchical or nested searches.
By.allCombines multiple locators and retrieves all elements matching any of the locators.

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