7. Cucumber Tags

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 41 views

Cucumber Tags are a powerful feature that allows you to organize, filter, and execute specific test scenarios based on assigned labels. Tags make it easy to manage large test suites by categorizing scenarios and controlling their execution using simple annotations.

What Are Cucumber Tags?

Cucumber Tags are labels prefixed with @ that you assign to scenarios or features in a Cucumber feature file. Tags can represent various categories like functional areas (@Login), test types (@SmokeTest), or environment configurations (@Staging). You can assign multiple tags to a scenario, and later choose to run specific tests based on those tags.

Using Tags in Feature Files

To assign tags to scenarios or features, simply add the tag on the same line as the feature or scenario name, prefixed with @. You can also assign multiple tags by separating them with spaces.

Feature File Example

Feature: User Login

@Login @Regression
Scenario: User logs in with valid credentials  
  Given the user is on the login page  
  When the user enters valid credentials  
  Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard  

Scenario: User logs in with invalid credentials  
  Given the user is on the login page  
  When the user enters invalid credentials  
  Then the user should see an error message  


Running Tagged Scenarios

You can filter and run specific scenarios based on the tags you’ve applied in your feature files. This is done by passing the tags as arguments when running the tests from the command line. Tags allow you to run only a subset of tests, saving time and resources.

Running Specific Tags with Maven

To run tests with specific tags using Maven, you can use the following command:

					mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @SmokeTest"


mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @Login and @SmokeTest"


This will only execute scenarios tagged with @SmokeTest. You can combine multiple tags using logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT.

Benefits of Using Cucumber Tags

  1. Organization: Tags help organize tests into meaningful groups, such as test types (@SmokeTest, @Regression) or specific features (@Login, @Checkout), making it easier to manage large test suites.
  2. Selective Execution: With tags, you can run a specific set of tests based on their labels, reducing execution time and focusing on relevant tests (e.g., only run smoke tests in a CI pipeline).
  3. Environment-Specific Testing: Tags allow you to specify different tests for different environments, such as @Staging or @Production, helping ensure that your tests are tailored to the right environment.
  4. Reusability: You can reuse tags across multiple feature files and scenarios, making your testing framework more modular and easier to maintain.


Cucumber Tags are an essential tool for organizing and managing large test suites. They allow you to categorize your scenarios, making it easier to run specific tests based on different criteria. By incorporating tags into your testing framework, you can save time, improve the maintainability of your test code, and optimize the execution of tests in different environments. Start using tags today to enhance your BDD automation framework!

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