8. Running Cucumber Tests

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Running Cucumber tests efficiently is crucial to ensure that your behavior-driven development (BDD) framework works seamlessly. Whether you are using Maven, running tests directly from the command line, or running them within an IDE, this guide covers various ways to run Cucumber tests, along with best practices to optimize your test execution process.

In this guide, we will cover:

  • How to run Cucumber tests with Maven
  • Running tests with the Cucumber CLI
  • Running Cucumber tests in an IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)
  • Best practices for running Cucumber tests

Running Cucumber Tests with Maven

Maven is a popular build automation tool that can easily integrate with Cucumber for running tests. To run Cucumber tests with Maven, follow these steps:

1. Set up Maven Dependencies

First, make sure you’ve added the necessary dependencies to your pom.xml file:



2. Run Cucumber Tests from Command Line

After setting up the dependencies, you can run your Cucumber tests using the following Maven command:

					mvn test


This will execute the tests defined in your feature files and step definitions.

3. Running Specific Tags

You can also filter and run specific tests based on tags. For example, to run only scenarios tagged with @SmokeTest, use the following command:

					mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @SmokeTest"


TestRunner Class

The TestRunner class is a critical component that integrates Cucumber with your testing framework (e.g., JUnit). It provides the configuration for running Cucumber tests. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Create a TestRunner Class

The TestRunner class uses JUnit and Cucumber annotations to run your feature files and step definitions.

Example of a TestRunner class using JUnit:

					import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;  
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;  
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;  

    features = "src/test/resources/features",  
    glue = "stepDefinitions",  
    plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports"}  
public class TestRunner {  

  • @RunWith(Cucumber.class) tells JUnit to run the tests with the Cucumber runner.
  • @CucumberOptions provides various configurations, including the location of feature files (features), step definition classes (glue), and the plugins for reporting.
  • The plugin option allows you to generate reports, such as HTML or JSON.

Running Cucumber Tests with Cucumber CLI

You can also run Cucumber tests directly from the command line using the Cucumber CLI. This method doesn’t require Maven or Gradle, but requires that you have Cucumber installed globally.

1. Install Cucumber CLI

First, install Cucumber by running the following command (if not already installed):

					npm install -g cucumber


2. Run Cucumber Tests from Command Line

Once Cucumber is installed, you can run your tests using this command:



This will run all the scenarios defined in your feature files.

3. Running Specific Tags

To run specific tagged scenarios, use the following command:

					cucumber-js --tags @SmokeTest


Running Cucumber Tests in an IDE

Running Cucumber tests in an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse can make development easier by providing a graphical interface to run your tests and view the results.

1. IntelliJ IDEA

In IntelliJ IDEA, you can run Cucumber tests by following these steps:

  • Right-click on the feature file or test class.
  • Select Run ‘Cucumber’ from the context menu.
  • The test results will appear in the Run window.

2. Eclipse

In Eclipse, you can run Cucumber tests using the Cucumber for Eclipse plugin:

  • Install the plugin from the Eclipse marketplace if you haven’t already.
  • Right-click on the feature file or test class.
  • Select Run As > Cucumber Feature.
  • The results will be displayed in the Console window.

Best Practices for Running Cucumber Tests

  1. Use Tags for Selective Test Execution: Organize your tests with tags to selectively run subsets of tests. This can significantly reduce execution time and help in running only relevant tests in different environments.
  2. Run Tests in Parallel: For larger test suites, consider running tests in parallel to speed up execution. Tools like Cucumber Parallel Plugin or Selenium Grid can help you achieve parallel test execution.
  3. Automate Test Execution in CI/CD: Integrate your Cucumber tests into your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline using Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or other CI/CD tools. This ensures that tests are executed automatically with every code change.
  4. Use Profile-Specific Configurations: Create different profiles for running tests in various environments (e.g., local, staging, production). This helps ensure that the correct configurations are used when running your tests.
  5. View Detailed Reports: Use reporting tools like Cucumber Report or Allure to get detailed insights into test execution and results.


Running Cucumber tests is essential for ensuring that your behavior-driven development (BDD) framework works smoothly. Whether you’re using Maven, running tests directly from the command line, or running them in an IDE, knowing how to execute and manage your tests effectively is key to successful test automation. By following best practices like using tags, running tests in parallel, and automating execution in CI/CD pipelines, you can significantly improve your testing workflow and efficiency. Start implementing these methods in your testing process to optimize your Cucumber test execution and enhance your BDD automation framework!

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