10. Advanced Features

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Cucumber is a powerful BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) tool that helps teams collaborate effectively by writing tests in natural language. While basic features such as step definitions and scenarios are essential for getting started, Cucumber also provides several advanced features that allow for more sophisticated testing workflows. These features enable you to extend Cucumber’s capabilities, improve test maintainability, and integrate with other tools. In this guide, we’ll explore some of these advanced features, including parameterized steps, custom annotations, data tables, and parallel test execution.

1. Parameterized Steps

Parameterized steps in Cucumber allow you to define steps that can accept different sets of parameters. This feature helps in creating reusable and flexible step definitions, reducing duplication in your test cases. You can pass multiple arguments to a single step, making your tests more scalable.

Example of Parameterized Steps:

					Scenario Outline: User logs in with different credentials
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters "<username>" and "<password>"
  Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard

  | username  | password  |
  | user1     | pass1     |
  | user2     | pass2     |


In this example, <username> and <password> are placeholders that are substituted with actual values from the Examples table, making the test run with different sets of data.

2. Data Tables

Cucumber supports data tables, which allow you to pass complex data structures to steps. You can use data tables for scenarios where a single parameter is not enough, such as a table of values or a list of items.

Example of Data Tables:

					Scenario: User adds multiple items to the cart
  Given the user is on the product page
  When the user adds the following items to the cart:
    | Product    | Quantity |
    | Laptop     | 1        |
    | Headphones | 2        |
    | Mouse      | 1        |
  Then the user should see the correct total price


Step Definition (Java):

					@When("^the user adds the following items to the cart:$")
public void addItemsToCart(DataTable items) {
    List<Map<String, String>> itemList = items.asMaps(String.class, String.class);
    for (Map<String, String> item : itemList) {
        String product = item.get("Product");
        String quantity = item.get("Quantity");
        // Add the item to the cart
        System.out.println("Adding " + quantity + " of " + product + " to the cart");


Data tables allow you to pass multiple rows of data to a single step definition. This is especially useful for scenarios where a large amount of data needs to be passed to the steps.

3. Custom Annotations

Cucumber allows the use of custom annotations to mark steps, hooks, or other elements within the framework. By defining your own annotations, you can implement specialized functionality or behavior within your Cucumber tests.

Example of Custom Annotations:

public @interface Retry {
    int value() default 1;


In the example above, we create a Retry annotation that can be used to indicate that a step or scenario should be retried a certain number of times.

Usage of Custom Annotations:

@Given("the user is on the login page")
public void userIsOnLoginPage() {
    // logic to ensure the user is on the login page


This allows you to introduce additional behavior, such as retries or custom logging, to your step definitions.

4. Parallel Test Execution

Running tests in parallel is an essential feature for large projects. Cucumber doesn’t natively support parallel execution, but it can be achieved using tools like Cucumber-JUnit and Cucumber-TestNG, combined with frameworks like Maven or Gradle.

Configuring Parallel Execution

To run Cucumber tests in parallel using JUnit, you can use the Cucumber JUnit Runner and JUnit Parallel.

TestRunner Class with Parallel Execution:

    features = "src/test/resources/features",
    glue = "stepDefinitions",
    plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports"},
    tags = "@smoke"
public class RunCucumberTest {


By using the JUnit runner, tests are executed in parallel, and each test case is isolated in a separate thread. This drastically reduces execution time for large test suites.

Running Cucumber with TestNG:

If you are using TestNG, you can configure parallel execution through the TestNG XML file.

TestNG Configuration:

					<suite name="Cucumber Suite" parallel="tests" thread-count="4">
  <test name="Cucumber Test">
      <class name="TestRunner" />


In this configuration, the tests are run in parallel, with up to 4 threads. This is useful when executing multiple scenarios or features simultaneously.

5. Conditional Test Execution

Sometimes, you may want to execute specific tests or steps conditionally based on certain conditions (e.g., environment variables or external parameters). Cucumber provides several ways to handle conditional execution.

Example with Tags and Hooks:

Scenario: Verify login functionality
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters valid credentials
  Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard


You can use Cucumber hooks to conditionally run certain steps based on the presence of tags. Here’s an example using the @Before hook to check if the scenario is tagged with @smoke.

Step Definition:

public void setUpForSmokeTests() {
    System.out.println("Running smoke tests setup...");


This ensures that certain steps or configurations are only applied when specific conditions (like tags) are met.

6. Custom Cucumber Plugins

You can create custom plugins to extend Cucumber’s functionality. For example, you can implement a plugin that generates a custom report or integrates Cucumber with other tools like Jira or Slack.

Example of a Custom Cucumber Plugin:

					public class CustomReportPlugin implements Formatter {
    public void format(Scenario scenario) {
        // Custom report logic here
        System.out.println("Generating custom report for scenario: " + scenario.getName());


7. Cucumber in Continuous Integration (CI) Pipelines

Integrating Cucumber with your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline ensures that tests are run automatically on every commit. Tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and CircleCI can be easily configured to run Cucumber tests.

  • Jenkins: Set up a Jenkins pipeline to run your Cucumber tests as part of the build process. You can configure Jenkins to run tests, generate reports, and notify teams about test results.
  • GitLab CI: You can define a GitLab CI pipeline in the .gitlab-ci.yml file to run your tests automatically.


Advanced features in Cucumber allow you to extend the basic functionality of BDD testing. From parameterized steps and data tables to parallel test execution and custom plugins, these features enable you to create flexible, scalable, and efficient test automation workflows. Incorporating these features into your testing strategy will make your tests more maintainable, reduce execution time, and allow for better integration with other tools and CI systems. Make sure to explore these advanced features and enhance your Cucumber framework for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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10. Advanced Features

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