
Estimated reading: 5 minutes 38 views

In Java programming, comments are an essential part of writing clean and understandable code. They help developers document their code, explain complex logic, and leave useful notes for future reference or collaboration. Comments are ignored by the compiler, meaning they do not affect the program’s functionality. However, they play a crucial role in improving code readability and maintainability.

In this article, we will cover the three types of comments in Java: Single-line comments, Multi-line comments, and Javadoc comments.

1. Single-line Comments

Single-line comments in Java are used to comment out a single line of code or to add a brief explanation about a part of the code. This type of comment starts with two forward slashes (//), and everything following the slashes on that line is treated as a comment.


					// This is a single-line comment



					public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a = 5;  // Declare an integer variable a and initialize it with 5
        System.out.println(a);  // Print the value of a


In the example above, the comments are used to explain what the code is doing. The single-line comment starts with // and continues until the end of the line.

When to use Single-line Comments:

  • To explain a short piece of code or logic.
  • To temporarily disable a line of code during debugging or development.

2. Multi-line Comments

Multi-line comments, as the name suggests, are used to comment out multiple lines of code. This type of comment starts with /* and ends with */. Everything between these two markers will be treated as a comment, even if it spans across several lines.


					/* This is a multi-line comment
   that spans across multiple lines */



					public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /* Declaring an integer variable
           and initializing it with a value */
        int a = 10;  
        /* Printing the value of a */


In this example, the multi-line comments are used to provide explanations over multiple lines. The block of code within /* and */ is ignored by the compiler.

When to use Multi-line Comments:

  • To comment out blocks of code (especially useful during debugging).
  • To provide detailed explanations or document sections of code that require longer descriptions.

3. Javadoc Comments

Javadoc comments are a special type of multi-line comment used to generate external documentation for Java classes, methods, and other members of a program. They are written using the /** and */ syntax and can contain tags that are processed by the Javadoc tool to create API documentation in HTML format.


 * This is a Javadoc comment.
 * It provides documentation for the class or method.



 * The Main class is used to demonstrate the usage of different types of comments in Java.
public class Main {
     * This is the main method that prints a message to the console.
     * @param args The command-line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Java!");  // Print a greeting message


In this example, the /** starts the Javadoc comment for the class and method. The @param tag is used to describe the parameter args of the main method, while the text between the /** and */ provides a description.

Javadoc comments are commonly used to document:

  • Classes
  • Methods
  • Fields
  • Constructors
  • Parameters and return values

Javadoc Tags:

Javadoc comments often contain special tags that are used for generating more structured and detailed documentation. Some of the commonly used Javadoc tags include:

  • @param: Describes a method parameter.
  • @return: Describes the return value of a method.
  • @throws or @exception: Describes exceptions that a method can throw.
  • @see: Provides references to other related classes or methods.

Example with Tags:

 * Adds two integers and returns the result.
 * @param num1 The first number to add
 * @param num2 The second number to add
 * @return The sum of num1 and num2
public int add(int num1, int num2) {
    return num1 + num2;


In this example, the Javadoc comment explains the method’s functionality and uses the @param and @return tags to describe the parameters and the return value.

When to use Javadoc Comments:

  • To document public classes, methods, constructors, and fields.
  • To create external API documentation for libraries and frameworks.
  • To provide detailed explanations for the functionality of methods, parameters, and return values.

Key Differences Between the Types of Comments

Comment TypeSyntaxPurposeWhen to Use
Single-line Comment// commentUsed for short comments on a single line of codeBrief explanations, disabling single lines of code
Multi-line Comment/* comment */Used for commenting multiple lines of codeCommenting out blocks of code or longer explanations
Javadoc Comment/** comment */Used for generating API documentationDocumenting classes, methods, and parameters


Comments are an essential part of writing clean, maintainable, and understandable Java code. By using single-line, multi-line, and Javadoc comments appropriately, developers can improve the readability of their code and provide essential context to both themselves and others who may read the code in the future.

While single-line and multi-line comments are great for brief explanations and debugging, Javadoc comments are crucial for documenting your code and generating external documentation for API users. By mastering these different types of comments, you will improve your coding practices and ensure that your code is well-documented for future use.

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