git reset <file>

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The git reset <file> command is used to unstage changes that have been added to the staging area. It removes the specified file from the staging area but leaves the changes in your working directory, so you can continue editing or stage them again later.

Optional Commands with git reset

You can enhance the functionality of git reset <file> by using the following optional flags:

git reset <file>Removes the file from the staging area, but keeps changes in the working directory.git reset example.txt will unstage example.txt while preserving changes.
git resetRemoves all staged files from the staging area.git reset will unstage all files but leave the changes in the working directory.

Syntax and Example

					# Unstage a specific file
git reset example.txt
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but `example.txt` is removed from staging.)

# Unstage multiple files
git reset file1.txt file2.txt
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but `file1.txt` and `file2.txt` are removed from staging.)

# Unstage all files
git reset
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but all files are removed from staging.)


Why Use git reset <file>?

  • Undo Staging: If you added files to the staging area by mistake, git reset <file> allows you to unstage them without losing your changes.
  • Selective Commits: It helps you fine-tune which changes should be committed by unstaging files you’re not ready to commit yet.


The git reset <file> command is essential for managing your staging area. It provides control over what gets included in your next commit, allowing you to remove files from the staging area without affecting the changes in your working directory.

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