git add <file>

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The git add <file> command is used to add changes in a specified file to the staging area, preparing them to be committed. It tells Git that you want to include the changes made to the file in the next commit.

Optional Commands with git add

You can enhance the functionality of git add <file> by using the following optional flags:

git add <file>Stages a specific file for the next commit.git add example.txt stages example.txt for the next commit.
git add .Stages all modified files in the current directory and subdirectories.git add . stages all files in the working directory.
git add -AStages all changes, including file deletions, in the entire repository.git add -A stages all files, including deleted files, for the next commit.
git add -uStages changes to tracked files, including deletions, but not new files.git add -u stages changes to existing files, including deletions.

Syntax and Example

					# Stage a specific file for commit
git add example.txt
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but `example.txt` is now staged for commit.)

# Stage all files in the current directory and subdirectories
git add .
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but all files in the working directory are staged.)

# Stage all changes, including file deletions
git add -A
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, all changes, including deletions, are staged.)

# Stage changes to tracked files only
git add -u
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but all changes to tracked files are staged.)


Why Use git add <file>?

  • Prepare for Commit: You use git add <file> to prepare specific files for commit, ensuring that only the changes you want to include are staged.
  • Selective Staging: It allows you to stage individual files, making it easier to commit only the relevant changes.


The git add <file> command is an essential step in the Git workflow, helping you prepare changes for commit. Whether staging individual files or all modifications, it ensures that the right changes are included in your commits.

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