GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses Estimated reading: 2 minutes 42 views 1. What is the purpose of the GROUP BY clause in SQL? Provide an example.The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values in specified columns into summary rows. It is often used with aggregate functions to perform calculations on each group.Example: SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM employees GROUP BY department_id; 2. Write a query to find the total number of employees in each department.You can use GROUP BY along with the COUNT aggregate function to find the total number of employees in each department.Example: SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM employees GROUP BY department_id; 3. What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses? Provide examples.WHERE: Filters rows before any grouping or aggregation is applied.HAVING: Filters rows after grouping or aggregation is performed.Examples:WHERE: Filters rows based on conditions before aggregation. SELECT department_id, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000; HAVING: Filters groups after aggregation. SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM employees GROUP BY department_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; 4. Write a query to find departments with more than 5 employees.You can use GROUP BY and HAVING to find departments with more than 5 employees.Example: SELECT department_id, COUNT(*) AS total_employees FROM employees GROUP BY department_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; 5. Can you use aggregate functions (SUM, AVG, etc.) without GROUP BY? Explain.Yes, aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, COUNT, etc., can be used without GROUP BY to perform calculations on all rows in the table. This returns a single result, representing the entire dataset.Example: SELECT SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM employees;