Cucumber Features and Syntax

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1. What is Gherkin, and how is it used in Cucumber?

Gherkin is a domain-specific language used in Cucumber to write test scenarios. It uses plain-text syntax with specific keywords such as Feature, Scenario, Given, When, Then, and And. Gherkin provides a structured way to describe behavior in a human-readable format while ensuring compatibility with automated tests.


					Feature: User login functionality

Scenario: Successful login
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters valid credentials
  Then the user is redirected to the homepage


2. What is a Feature in Cucumber?

A Feature is a high-level description of an application’s functionality or behavior. It is defined using the Feature keyword in a feature file and serves as a container for related scenarios.


					Feature: Login functionality
  Users should be able to log in with valid credentials.


3. What is a Scenario in Cucumber?

A Scenario is a concrete example of how a feature behaves. It includes a sequence of steps defined using Gherkin keywords (Given, When, Then, etc.) to test specific application functionality.


					Scenario: User logs in successfully
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters valid credentials
  Then the user is redirected to the dashboard


4. What is the difference between Scenario and Scenario Outline?


  • Scenario: Represents a single example or test case.
  • Scenario Outline: Used for parameterized testing, where a scenario is executed multiple times with different inputs. It is combined with Examples to provide data sets.

Example of Scenario Outline:

					Scenario Outline: Login with multiple users
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters "<username>" and "<password>"
  Then the login should be "<result>"

  | username  | password   | result  |
  | admin     | admin123   | success |
  | user      | wrongpass  | failure |


5. What are Backgrounds in Cucumber?

A Background is a set of steps that are common to all scenarios in a feature file. It is executed before each scenario to avoid repetition of setup steps.


					Feature: Account management

  Given the user is logged in

Scenario: User views account details
  When the user navigates to the account page
  Then the account details are displayed

Scenario: User updates account details
  When the user updates their email address
  Then the changes are saved


6. What are the keywords used in Gherkin, and what do they do?


  • Feature: Describes a high-level functionality.
  • Scenario: Defines a single test case.
  • Scenario Outline: Allows data-driven tests with parameterized steps.
  • Given: Sets up the initial context or state.
  • When: Specifies an action or event.
  • Then: Validates the expected outcome.
  • And/But: Adds additional conditions or steps.
  • Background: Contains common preconditions for all scenarios.
  • Examples: Provides data sets for Scenario Outline.

7. What are tags in Cucumber, and how are they used?

Tags are used to categorize scenarios or features for selective execution. Tags are written above Scenario or Feature definitions and are prefixed with @.


Scenario: Verify login functionality
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters valid credentials
  Then the user is redirected to the homepage


Tags can be used in the test runner or command-line options to filter tests for execution.

8. Can you explain the importance of indentation in Gherkin?

Indentation in Gherkin is not syntactically required but is used to improve readability. It helps differentiate between steps, scenarios, and examples. Proper formatting ensures that feature files are easy to understand and maintain.

9. How do you use comments in Gherkin?

Comments in Gherkin start with the # symbol and can be placed anywhere in a feature file. They are ignored during execution and are useful for adding explanations or notes.


					# This feature tests the login functionality
Feature: Login functionality
  # Valid login scenario
  Scenario: User logs in successfully
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters valid credentials
    Then the user is redirected to the dashboard


10. What are Data Tables in Cucumber?

Data tables are used in Gherkin to provide structured data to a step. They are commonly used for steps that involve multiple inputs or validation of multiple fields.


					Scenario: Add multiple products to the cart
  Given the user is on the product page
  When the user adds the following products to the cart:
    | Product Name | Quantity |
    | Laptop       | 1        |
    | Mouse        | 2        |
  Then the cart should contain the correct items


Step definitions parse the data table into code for further processing.

11. Can a feature file have multiple scenarios?

Yes, a feature file can have multiple scenarios. Each scenario represents a separate test case under the same feature. This allows testing various aspects of a feature in a single file.

12. What is the purpose of the Examples keyword in Cucumber?

The Examples keyword is used with Scenario Outline to provide data sets for parameterized testing. It defines multiple rows of data that are substituted into the scenario steps during execution.

13. How do you handle multi-line steps in Gherkin?

Multi-line steps in Gherkin are handled using Doc Strings, which allow you to include large blocks of text as input to a step.


					Scenario: Submit feedback
  Given the user is on the feedback page
  When the user enters feedback:
    This is a multi-line
    feedback message for the system.
  Then the feedback should be submitted successfully


14. What are placeholders in Cucumber?

Placeholders are variables defined in step definitions using regular expressions to capture dynamic values from feature steps. They allow steps to be reusable.


					Scenario: Search for a product
  When the user searches for "Laptop"
  Then the results for "Laptop" should be displayed


Step Definition:

					@When("the user searches for {string}")
public void searchForProduct(String product) {
    System.out.println("Searching for: " + product);


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Cucumber Features and Syntax

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